Legal Clinics


Pro bono legal clinics provide an avenue for the needy to receive free legal advice. PBG has been partnering with clinics hosted by various organisations like the Law Society Pro Bono Services (LSPBS), the Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations (SCWO), and the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC). Student volunteers assist lawyers at these legal clinic sessions by sitting into these sessions and assisting with note-taking and related administrative matters.


“Being part of the Legal Clinics project has been quite eye-opening. As student volunteers, we note down advice given by the lawyer which requires us to pay attention and follow closely. Since you’re present at the clinic session with the lawyer and client, you’re involved in the process so there’s always something to learn. Recognising the legal jargon and terminology as the lawyers advise the clients really brings you back to reality – you’re learning real stuff!”